Event Host Registration


We would like to congratulate you on recognizing that Warehouse Hourly Shifts is truly a better way to staff your warehouse shifts. We are so different than your typical, traditional Temp service.


Please READ. This registration is for individuals looking for a professionals to work in their warehouses. If you are a warehouse worker looking for work you are on the wrong Registration page. Please click on the Register item on the menu then select “I Am A Professional”.



Client Information


First Name: (Req)

Middle Initial:

Last Name: (Req)
If You Are a Business, Business Name
If You Are a Business, # Of Employees

Cell Number: (Req)

Cell Provider: (Req)

Cell Provider Other: (Req if Provider is Other)
Fax Number:

Street Address: (Req)
Apt/Suite #:
City: (Req)
State: (Req)

Zipcode: (Req)

Email Address(Req)
How Did You Hear About Us?

Login Information
Password (6+ char)
Confirm Password:


Fill in the answer: 24 + 01 =